SNiP Nutrigenomics

SNiP can assist with personalized biohacking, their products are designed to support individual genetic vulnerabilities impacting overall health and health-span. SNiP custom create supplements based on your body’s unique genetic code, making it easier for you to absorb and utilize essential nutrients.

Single nucleotide polymorphism, or SNP, is pronounced: “snip.” These are common, genetic variants that alter the functions of genes naturally. Hair, eye color, and skin color are all determined by certain SNPs. SNiP Reports cover a variety of key health topics. Each one contains simple, clear information on individual SNPs tested and the SNPs’ relevance for each health topic.

SNiP testing includes 11 DNA Reports: Healthy BMI, Healthy Heart, Cognitive/Brain Function, Detoxification, Energy, Gut/Microbiome, Healthy Immune Response, Healthy Inflammatory Response, MethylationMethylation, Mood, CODE Complex (customized nutritional supplement).

SNiP Reports contains simple, clear information on individual SNPs tested and the SNPs’ relevance for each health topic. Including lifestyle recommendations such as specific types of exercise, lab test recommendations for learning more about how your SNPs may be impacting your health and tracking your progress on your personalized supplement. Every SNiP DNA report also includes lifestyle bio hacks— simple tips and tricks for “hacking” your DNA and supporting your health-span, no matter your genetic profile. You are also provided a custom supplement: CODE Complex is a revolutionary, foundational nutritional supplement based on your DNA. It is custom compounded just for you and delivered to you on a recurring schedule of your choice. Based on your personal nutritional needs, as evidenced by the genetic analysis of your cheek swab, CODE Complex contains vitamins, minerals and micronutrients your body requires for optimal functioning.

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