The Role of Plant-based Nutrition in Your Cognitive Health

The Role of Plant-based Nutrition in Your Cognitive Health In recent years, the interest in plant-based nutrition has skyrocketed, and for good reason. Beyond the well-documented benefits of cardiovascular health and weight management, emerging research highlights its significant impact on cognitive health.  But first, why ditch the standard American diet? The standard American diet includes […]

Understanding Brain Inflammation: Signs, Symptoms, and the Immune System’s Role

Understanding Brain Inflammation: Signs, Symptoms, and the Immune System’s Role What is brain inflammation and why is it a complicated diagnosis? I’ll cover everything in this blog. One of the things I’d like to remind my patients is how incredible is our body’s ability to heal itself.  It’s easy to feel like your body betrays […]

ATMOFIZER Air Purifier

Atmofizer Air Purifier for Viruses & Bacteria | Filterless | UV-C Light Sanitizer Dr. Josh recommends Atmofizer as an excellent air purifier. Atmofizer How it works: A fan at its base takes in the room’s air, the Atmofizer’s patented technology creates opposing sound waves that capture microscopic particles of bacteria and viruses and clumps them […]

Fasting Diet (PROLON)

For those interested in improving health conditions and weight loss and longevity the PROLON Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) program is amazing. Dr. Joel Kahn is a well-known cardiologist in Detroit. He’s done almost a dozen of these 5-day 800 calorie FMDs and they’ve helped him lose weight. Dr. Kahn said patients really are enthusiastic about […]

Dr. Josh’s Recommended Lifestyle Approach

Dr. Josh recommends four things: 1. Toxin testing– Many of us may have had exposure to toxins such as petrochemicals, plastics, mold or round-up (glyphosate). You may not know your toxicity level. Once you find out, you can take action to address any problems sooner rather than later. The key is PREVENTION. Click here for […]

What To Do To Eliminate Toxins From The Body

To eliminate toxins from the body, Dr. Josh highly recommends exercise and the use of saunas, especially infrared sauna therapy to rid many chemicals through sweat. Infrared sauna is superior to conventional sauna because it reaches deeper into the body, increasing the circulation in the blood vessels, and causing the body to start to release […]

Blender Birthday K-Tec Total Blender hits 3000 uses

You know you are a health nut if…your high power blender hits 3000 uses! We were grinding flax seeds at the time.   Dr Josh recommends 1-2 tablespoons of ground flax seed per day.  BONUS TIP: Use a pepto-bismol 2 tablespoon (30cc) plastic cup and keep it inside your ground flax seeds in the fridge. […]

Healthy and Delicious Ginger Chocolate Pudding

GINGER CHOCOLATE PUDDING (Vegan) 4 avocados 1 banana 4 dates 1/2 cup cacao powder 1/2 cup raw carob powder 3 cups homemade almond milk*** (or water would probably work) Peeled ginger piece the size of 1/2 of the palm of your hand (requires a pretty big piece ginger–if you like ginger, I recommend adding to […]

How Dr. Josh lost 50 pounds

.    See the above BEFORE and AFTER weight loss pictures of Dr. Josh? How did Dr. Josh lose weight? Read these stories to find out: *stories from above, for more information click here. Previous Post*10 Reasons Why I Went Plant-Based (Vegan)Next Post*Healthy and Delicious Ginger Chocolate Pudding